Select Annette Funicello – America’s Sweetheart and Beloved Disney Icon_ml

Annette Funicello was a name that resonated with millions of fans and a face that charmed audiences around the world. Born on October 22, 1942, in Utica,…

44 Cool Snaps That Show the Curtain Styles in the 1950s_ml

The 1950s was a decade that brought massive changes into the homes. The post-World War II era was a prosperous time for most middle-class families. They experienced…

A Fascinating Family Photo Collection That Defined American Life in the 1950s_ml

These fascinating photographs from Leon Reed were taken by his father Walter Reed that show what life of the U.S was like in the 1950s. “I’ve traveled since I was…

13 maggio 1981: Papa Giovanni Paolo II fu colpito quattro volte da un uomo armato in Piazza San Pietro, Città del Vaticano _ Ricordi d’Italia _ LINH

Il primo attentato a Papa Giovanni Paolo II ebbe luogo mercoledì 13 maggio 1981 in Piazza San Pietro nella Città del Vaticano. Il Papa è stato colpito e…

Vor der Münchner Flugzeugkatastrophe – Selten gesehene Fotos der Busby Babes in den 1950er Jahren _ Deutsche Erinnerungen _ LINH

Die Münchner Flugzeugkatastrophe ereignete sich am 6. Februar 1958, als der Flug 609 der British European Airways beim dritten Startversuch auf einer mit Schneematsch bedeckten Landebahn am…

Ostdeutschlands Feier zum 750. Jahrestag Berlins: Eine Parade tragbarer Computer, Bikinis und anderer Kuriositäten, 1987_top1

Im Jahr 1987 feierte Berlin seinen 750. Geburtstag und die Stadt war voller Aufregung. Die kommunistische DDR-Regierung, die damals die Osthälfte der Stadt regierte, wollte diesen Anlass mit…

40 Beautiful Vintage Color Photographs That Capture Street Scenes of the U.S From Between the 1950s and 1960s _ US Memories _ LINH

Historians tend to portray the 1950s as a decade of prosperity, conformity, and consensus, and the 1960s as a decade of turbulence, protest, and disillusionment. These stereotypes…

Vintage photos of everyday life in New York, 1950s_top1

Pigeons gather in Times Square on a rainy day in 1954 in front of the marquee for “A star is Born” starring Judy Garland. These vintage photographs…

Rare photos of the dangerous New York City’s subway system, 1970-1980_top1

During the late 1970s and early 1980s, New York City’s subway system was one of the most dangerous places a person could be. Lucky for those of…

Fascinating Black and White Pictures of New York Street Life in the Late 1960s _ US Memories _ LINH

These pictures were taken by James Jowers, an American street photographer. Jowers began receiving training in photography and darkroom techniques while serving in the United States Army….