16 affascinanti fotografie vintage che mostrano celebrità che si godono Venezia, in Italia, tra gli anni ’50 e ’70_ml

Queste fotografie d’epoca, risalenti agli anni ’50 e ’70, mostravano tutti, dagli attori ai pittori, godersi Venezia, in Italia. La città ha ospitato il primo festival cinematografico del…

40 fantastische Farbdias dokumentieren das alltägliche Leben in Deutschland in den späten 1950er und 1960er Jahren_ml

Hier ist eine fantastische Sammlung gefundener Fotos von  Martin Snelling , die den Alltag in Deutschland in den späten 1950er und 1960er Jahren zeigt.          …

23 Incredible Vintage Photos of Old London in the Late 19th Century_ml

By the end of the 19th century, London was not just a bustling, world-class city. It was also the center of Britain’s Empire. People living in London…

30 Funny Photos From TV Sitcom “The Monkees” Which Ran From 1966-1968_ml

The Monkees were hired to play a Beatles-like band, but the interesting thing is that they kept their actual names, and did in many ways function as…

Street Scenes of the U.S From the 1960s Through 30 Wonderful Color Real Photo Postcards_ml

Postcards are always of great historical and social interest. In 1903 Kodak introduced the No. 3A Folding Pocket Kodak. The camera, designed for postcard-size film, allowed the…

Keedoozl – Photographs of America’s first fully automated store, 1949_ml

Keedoozle was the first fully automated grocery store in the United States; a most futuristic shopping experience that the world just wasn’t ready for. The story begins…

Bellezza classica italiana – 25 foto glamour di Giovanna Ralli negli anni ’50 e ’60_ml

Nata nel 1935 a Roma, l’attrice teatrale, cinematografica e televisiva italiana Giovanna Ralli ha debuttato come attrice bambina a 7 anni. A 13 ha debuttato a teatro,…

Die bizarre Besessenheit der Deutschen, mit Eisbären-Maskottchen zu posieren, 1920-1970_m

Diese Fotografien, die Anfang und Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland aufgenommen wurden, zeigen anonyme Menschen, die neben Schauspielern posieren, die als Eisbären verkleidet sind. Die Bilder,…

22 Astonishing Pictures That Document Slum Life in Manchester in the Late 1960s and Early 1970s_ml

Nick Hedges was born in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, in 1943. He studied photography at Birmingham College of Art from 1965 to 1968, and as a final project he…

La vita quotidiana in Italia nei primi anni ’80 attraverso fotografie affascinanti_ml

Gli anni ’80 sono un periodo di divertimento, eccesso, lusso e ottimismo. Gli anni ’80 segnano il culmine della crescita economica apparentemente illimitata dell’Italia e segnano l’apparente trasformazione…