Jerrie Cobb, America’s First Female Astronaut Candidate_lag

Jerrie Cobb was born in Norman, Oklahoma on March 5, 1931. With a pilot for a father, Jerrie took to aviation at an early age, first flying…

20 Surf Photos That Show Women Making Waves From the 1930s Through the 1960s_top1

In the early 20th century, wooden surfboards were long and heavy — measuring 15 feet long and weighing nearly 100 pounds — which prevented many women from…

Found Snaps of ‘Ladies and Cars’ That Defined Women’s Fashion in the 1930s_top1

What did women wear in the 1930s? Just check these glamorous found snapshots to see.                        …

Vintage Gems: Rediscovered ‘Ladies and Cars’ Snapshots Define 1930s Women’s Fashion _ LINH

What did women wear in the 1930s? Just check these glamorous found snapshots to see. Vintage Gems: Rediscovered ‘Ladies and Cars’ Snapshots Define 1930s Women’s Fashion Vintage…

Dolphin shorts: Trendy fashion statement of the 1980s _ LINH

Dolphin shorts or Dolfins are a specific style of unisex shorts worn for athletics. They are typically very short and were originally made from nylon with contrasting…

Pedal Pushers were the preferred trousers of women during the 1950s_Lap

Pedal pushers are calf-length trousers that were popular during the 1950s and the early 1960s. Often cuffed and worn tight to the skin, they are related in…

Secretarial Style: 20 Captivating Vintage Photos of Secretaries from the 1950s and 1960s _ LINH

In the 1950s and ’60s, the number one job for American women was the secretarial occupation. The most common job for American women today is still the…

Timeless Style: 42 Snapshots Showcasing the Cool Factor of Jeans on 1950s Girls _ LINH

Invented by Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss in 1873, jeans marked culture of the last 140 years probably more than we think. Jeans are undeniably a fashion…

Playsuit – The Popular Fashion of Young Women From the 1940s_ml

A playsuit was a one-piece romper. The top resembled a button-down blouse that would come in at the waist and extend into shorts. Teens and grown women…

Strutting in Style: 38 Chic Snapshots of Women Rocking Go-Go Boots from the Mid-1960s to the 1970s _ US Memories _ LINH

Fashion boots were revived in the early 1960s, although at first they featured fashionable high heels such as the stiletto and kitten heels. The earliest go-go boots…