Vintage Gems: Rediscovered ‘Ladies and Cars’ Snapshots Define 1930s Women’s Fashion _ LINH

What did women wear in the 1930s? Just check these glamorous found snapshots to see. Vintage Gems: Rediscovered ‘Ladies and Cars’ Snapshots Define 1930s Women’s Fashion Vintage…

Rolling Nostalgia: Vintage Photos Showcase 12 Unique Wooden Homes on Wheels from the Early 20th Century _ LINH

There is no formal definition of a house car but in the early 1900s, Americans want to take to the roads and explore. Some creative Tin Can…

Exploring Los Angeles history: Fascinating vintage photos of streetcars on the railroad _ LINH

We are looking east on Oregon Avenue in 1906, which was the original name of Santa Monica Boulevard in this part of Los Angeles, California. The line…

Glimpses of Glamour: Vintage Photographs Capture the Elegant Era of Train Travel, 1900s-1940s _ LINH

At the beginning of the 1900s, leisure travel in general was something experienced exclusively by the wealthy and elite population. In the early-to-mid-20th century, trains were steadily…

Zeitlose Porträts: Vintage-Fotografien des deutschen Fotografen August Sander aus den 1910er und 1940er Jahren _ LINH

August Sander (1876–1964) war ein deutscher Porträt- und Dokumentarfotograf. Während seiner Arbeit in einer örtlichen Mine lernte Sander erstmals die Fotografie kennen, indem er einem Fotografen assistierte,…

Roma del 1970: 35 Immagini a Colori che Catturano la Vita Quotidiana _ LINH

Queste meravigliose foto a colori furono scattate dal fotografo olandese  Piet van Dam quando si recò a Roma nel 1970. Roma del 1970: 35 Immagini a Colori che Catturano…

Motormat Memories: A Drive-In Experience in Los Angeles, Where Food Trays Arrived on Rails to Your Car _ LINH

Los Angeles’ car culture was in full bloom after the war, and the innovations that came along with an auto-centric lifestyle were also booming. No other region…

Dolphin shorts: Trendy fashion statement of the 1980s _ LINH

Dolphin shorts or Dolfins are a specific style of unisex shorts worn for athletics. They are typically very short and were originally made from nylon with contrasting…

From Hot Dogs to Iconic Rides: The Evolution of Oscar Mayer’s Wienermobile Through Photos _ LINH

Like any hot dog on a sizzling grill, the classic Wienermobile has plumped up a bit through the ages. But its hot dog evangelizing mission has remained…

Above the City: Unveiling the Story Behind an Iconic Photograph, ‘Lunch Atop A Skyscraper’ _ LINH

The iconic photograph known as “Lunch Atop a Skyscraper” captures a moment frozen in time, taken on September 20, 1932. In this black-and-white image, eleven intrepid ironworkers…